I went looking for some of my pioneer ancestors and quickly found this photo of Henry Grow (architect of the Tabernacle on Temple Square). While the collection has some great data sets that will be of interest to those with ancestors that were members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it also has wonderful information about pioneers throughout the US regardless of their religious affiliation.
You can search nearly 14 million names in the Pioneer Collection.
Here are some of the highlights in the collection:
- Photos from Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah
- Annotated 1850 Iowa Census, Pottawattamie County
- Pioneer History Stories of the Mississippi Valley
- Pioneer Catholic History of Oregon
- History of Custer County, Nebraska
- Historic Background and Annals of The Swiss and German Pioneer Settlers of Southeastern Pennsylvania
I'd love to hear of any success stories you have searching the collection.
Enjoy your search and have a happy Pioneer Day!